
Let’s Talk Bookish – Reading Goal Check-In

Aria @ Book Nook Bits will be the new host for Let’s Talk Bookish! If you aren’t following her yet, good check out her blog and give her a follow!

July 1: How are you doing on your reading goals so far this year? (Amber @ Escape Life in the Pages)

Prompts: Did you set any reading goals for yourself at the beginning of the year? If so, how are you doing with them? Any you’ve already met? Are there any goals you want to add? Did you set any blogging goals? If so, how are you doing with those?

Welcome to July everyone! The latter half of the year has officially started (where did the time go?) and Happy Canada Day to those of you in Canada! Appropriately, today’s topic is about our reading goals to see where we’re all at at this point in time.

I did set a reading goal this year, which happens to be the same as last year, at least on Goodreads. I just set the number to 50 again, though I believe I promised myself to read even more this year. I can barely remember all the lofty goals I set at the beginning of the year but I honestly didn’t anticipate how busy school would be and how that would affect my energy and drive to read. I already read enough for school; if I counted that, I think I would have read the equivalent of another 20 books.

In terms of leisure reading, I’m about at the halfway point (slightly under) so I’m definitely behind schedule. However, I believe I have been reading more Asian authors, which I was striving to do a bit more of this year, which is nice. I feel like I can almost always tell when the author is Asian American, there is some sort of…vibe or style to the book that often resonates with me. But maybe that’s just all a placebo effect; I will revisit this conclusion again in the new year.

I wouldn’t add any goals at this point except to try and make sure I reach the ones I already have. The same goes for my blogging goals. My schedule has just kind of taken me by storm and it’s a bit of a mess, honestly! In spite of all that though, I haven’t given up on the blog, and I’m already fairly proud of myself for that one.

How are you all doing with your reading goals this year? On track, behind, or even ahead? And is that your usual pace? Let me know in the comments below!

6 thoughts on “Let’s Talk Bookish – Reading Goal Check-In”

  1. Similar to you Fives, I’m also striving to read more from authors that align with my identity (Latin-American), sadly haven’t read too many but hoping to prioritize those books during the last half of the year definitely. I’d say I’m on track with my blogging goals especially with a couple ideas I’ve been proud of finally sharing! For my reading goals I feel like I’m a little behind but I’m not letting it bother me too much! Wishing you a fantastic rest of your reading year ❣

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